From: Ian;
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 1:37 AM
To: The Official Shadow People Archives;
Subject: Personal experience with shadow people

I'm amazed at all the people who have had similar experiences in seeing whatever this is. I don't really talk about my own experiences with them as much because it's not a subject that is easy to explain to people, however I will share a couple of my own experiences.

When I was growing up, I always had the feeling something always followed me, because I always saw shadows out the corner of my eye, or heard whispers when I was alone. One morning, in particular, stands out in my mind.

I was in middle school and at that time I would have to catch the bus at around 5 am so I would have to wake up at 4 and shower, get dressed, eat, then usually watch MTV until the bus came. This morning I remember sitting there and getting this feeling like someone walked up next to me. When I turned and looked into the kitchen, I saw this black figure walk through the room. My first impression was someone was in the house so I got up and looked around and no one was there. At the same time I was thinking to myself, there’s no way that was a person because it was like a solid black shadow that passed through the middle of a room; not along the wall or ground as if someone had walked by the light, it was no mistaking it. The thing was almost like if you turn a tv on a channel with the nothing but static, the way that looks except it was black not white. Like black static on a TV if that makes sense. Every light in that part of the house was on so there was no mistaking it.

It was the figure of a man, but it moved along without taking a real form besides having a head and torso with arms and hands. The feeling that it gave me was weird, it was like it was communicating a feeling to me if that makes sense, like I could feel it's malevolence, it's nature, I guess. That's hard to explain unless you experience it for yourself. In spite of all that, I can't say that it ever did anything to me personally...besides play little games like hiding something I would set down or whispering, laughing, etc, just making itself known.

The other experience that stands out was years later, I was about 21 and I was actually in jail at the time. One morning I was in my cell sleeping and something woke me up. I remember thinking it was strange because the lights were off, usually they stayed on. I look over in the corner and I saw the same thing approaching me, but this had what seemed like small horns on its head.

It touched my chest and I could feel my chest going numb, at that point I remember getting pissed off about it and being ready to fight and jumping up to defend myself, which sounds crazy enough given the situation, when I jumped up the lights came back on and nothing was there. I never told my cellmates about it, but there were other people in that part of the jail that later spoke about something similar.

It's worth noting that I don't use drugs and I've always prided myself in keeping a clear head and being able to rationalize things. I don't desire to see these things, nor am I prone to writing off things I see as paranormal when my own safety is in issue, but some things have no other explanation and those are two experiences where I can honestly say I saw that face to face and don't know what it was or have any other way of explaining what it could have been.