From: Ocean River
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2019 3:37 AM
To: The Official Shadow People Archives
Subject: Shadow People

I am now 40 years old and live in Colorado but where I was born, raised and grew up, was in a town called Janesville, Rock County in southern Wisconsin. This is where my night experience of Shadow People occurred. In more detail, in Janesville, this experience first started at the corner of Walker Street and Milton Avenue and occurred in July at night in the 1990’s.

I was at my home on Walker Street, at was a warm, summer Wisconsin night. We lived in a kind of duplex house. But instead of side by side, the homes were top and bottom. We lived on the top home of the house. We had a nice, huge, screened in balcony porch.

That night I was standing out on the balcony, looking towards the corner of Walker and Milton. I noticed what I thought was someone, standing on the corner, underneath the street light. For some reason that I don’t recall, I felt the need to keep watching. I watched it crossed Milton avenue, one of the town’s busiest streets. Now, it was walking down my street but on the sidewalk on the other side of the street. As it grew closer it moved into more lighting; light from a different street, light in front of my house, and neighbors’ outdoor lights from across the street. I noticed it wasn’t a normal person. It was full, true figured, walking like a human, but all black, like a shadow, no signs of clothes, shoes, facial features, nothing. Just completely dark like a shadow from head to toe.

When this “shadow person”, which is always how I described this thing my whole life, was directly across from where I was on the balcony but still down on the sidewalk across the street, it stopped, turned, looked up, and stared at me. I got this undesirable feeling that came over me, like I never felt before, or since. This creepy, odd, dreadful almost feeling is only way I try to describe it, came over me. It didn’t stop staring and I finally was so uncomfortable that I quickly turned and ran inside the house.

I couldn’t shake the feelings, thoughts, visions in my head of it. I finally went and laid in bed in my room. My room was completely dark with my door closed almost all the way, with it cracked enough I could see out it from bed. I also left a light on in the hall on so could see down the hallway.

In fear and unable to think of anything else to do, I grabbed this tiny flashlight I had in bed with me. I flipped it on and dropped on top of my comforter. Now, I am 100% NOT religious, but I don’t recall my feelings towards religion back then. But anyway, I dropped the light on the comforter, and the light reflection it made on the wall off the comforter, was identically, Jesus, from shoulders up, and I pulled the comforter over my head, where I stayed until the sun rose. I swear this is not a made-up story, take it or leave it.