From: Alice
To: The Official Shadow People Archives
Date: Mon 11/21/2022 9:29 AM
Subject: Sighting

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I've been seeing shadow people for as long as I can remember. Usually, it's the typical corner of my eye type of thing. I think someone I know is there only to realize I'm alone or should be at least. The amount of times I've seen movement on ceilings is also increasing recently only to look up and see nothing when looking directly.

The clearest sighting of a shadow person for me happened two months ago. It frightened me to the point that I cannot stop thinking about it and have told as many people around me that'll listen. I sound crazy to some; others humor me at least. But I know what I saw.

I was returning home from work. I work in the city, and I sometimes have shifts that have me coming home around midnight. This happened to be one of those nights and my boyfriend wasn't at the bus stop to meet me. No big deal, the bus stop is at the bottom of the hill that I live on, so it wasn't a long walk to get in. I made it about three quarters of the way up the hill when I instinctively turned around and caught who I thought could be my boyfriend crossing the road, just a few feet behind me. It was clearly a silhouette of a man. And when crossing he even did the small jog thing (you know that we all kind of do when rushing to cross the road).

I stopped and thought I should wait for him to catch up and we could go home together. But something inside me almost instantly rejected that idea. If it was my boyfriend, why hadn't he called out to me. I was by a lamppost, so I was much easier to make out than he was. If it was him, he'd have called or text or something to say he was behind me or still waiting at the bus stop. Something to let me know. But he hadn't. So, it meant two things. Either a man had started walking up the hill just minutes after I had, staying silent and in the shadows the entire time until I turned around. Or it was another shadow person. The clearest sighting I've ever had.

My stomach dropped either way and I was panicking regardless. Both situations had me scared as I was now waiting for this unknown person or thing to catch up with me and so I ran. I still had a decent amount of hill left before getting to my house and I'm not exactly in the best of shape, so it did take the wind out of me. I kept running regardless and soon made it to my house and rang my boyfriend.

It for sure wasn't him. He was waiting for me, but he assumed I was at a different stop, so he wasn't anywhere near the hill at the time.

I'm certain it was a shadow person I saw that night. I kept glancing behind me as I ran to see, just trying to make out if it was an unknown man just making his way home too. But nothing. There was darkness behind me due to the spacing of the lampposts on the hill and nothing emerged from that space as I kept running. I know what I saw. I know what I felt the moment I saw it and if I hadn't turned around the second I did, I'd have missed it. I still can't walk up the hill at night without continuously checking behind me now.