From: Amber
To: The Official Shadow People Archives
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:52:23 AM
Subject: Shadow Men story to share

My name is Amber. I had a shadow people experience I'd like to share. I don't really know what made me think of it today, but it's an experience that's popped in and out of my mind from time to time.

It's strange because when I remember them, I have always thought of them as "the thin men" or "the shadow people." And I just recently got the internet and thought I'd look up those terms just to see what popped up. I have to say I wasn't all that surprised to see that other people had had similar experiences, because even though I was only 6 or 7 it has always felt very real, so I have always wondered if other people had seen them.

As I said, I was 6 or seven at the time. No older than 8. I'm 34 now, so this would have been sometime between '82 to '85. I was living just south of Dallas, Texas. I was home sick from school and had fallen asleep on the couch. I woke up because I heard voices arguing and I realized I didn't recognize them. It's strange because when I think back on it, I can't remember anything they might have said, or if they were even speaking a language I could understand. And I want to say that I didn't hear their voices in my ears-- I heard the voices in my mind. But that could be a false memory. It's one of the details that's very vague in my memory. I only remember clearly that the taller one seemed very agitated about something, and the shorter of the two seemed to be younger to me. I don't know why except perhaps that he was shorter.

They didn't have distinguishable features. I only remember that they were very tall and thin, like they'd been stretched, and that they looked just like a shadow on the sidewalk in bright daylight, except standing in the middle of the room. And the taller one waved one of his arms around while he was "shouting" at the other one. It wasn't really shouting because it wasn't loud, it was more like an impression of yelling-- just upset or angry-feeling sounds.

Anyway, the way he moved his arm was very smooth and wavy, not jerky or sudden, and his fingers were very long. They "conversed" for several seconds, and then the taller one suddenly seemed to look my way. I don't remember glowing eyes or anything, only the sense that he was looking at me. Then they both seemed to notice that I had been watching them. And they seemed very startled! And then all of the sudden, they just weren't there! Not like they exploded or even disappeared-- they just... weren't there.

That's all I remember. I didn't feel a sense of fear or danger from them. Nor did I feel any sense of goodness. Thinking back, the memory doesn't feel frightening or warm, only curious. I don't know whether they're benevolent or malicious. I don't have a sense of their intentions. I only feel certain that they were real! And I'm very excited to be able to share my experience, and to read about other people's experiences as well! I only read one short account before I decided to post my own, so I'm going to read some more now. I hope my own account helps someone in some way.