From: David
To: The Official Shadow People Archives
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 6:16:28 PM
Subject: Air Show California

It was in the summer can't remember what year it was circa 1987. I was around eight years old.

My parents took me to an air show possibly in San Jose. I remember being in one of the big air hangers where they had the jet fighter planes on display. I asked my parents where the restroom was; I had to go. They pointed me in the right direction.

As I opened the door to the restroom, I saw a man washing his hands at the sink. It was an old style restroom sink, a circular fountain sink where you had to push a lever on the floor that was surrounding the sinks bottom exterior in order for it to work. The man washing his hands at this sink was wearing a flannel red and black collar shirt with long sleeves. He had blue jeans on and was a big, burly type of guy with a beard and brown hair. Looked a lot like a lumberjack.

He was busy washing his hands as I came into the door way. I stopped in the doorway and stood there in disbelief because across from him, on the wall, was a very pitch black shadow waving his hand at the man who was washing his hands.

I stood there watching; doing double takes of the man at the sink and the shadow on the wall. Finally, the man at the sink gave me a dirty look and, at that point, I decided he didn't see what I saw. Then the shadow noticed I could see it and it reacted. It instantly stopped waving its hand and froze. I was surprised and very curious and wanted to understand what I was seeing. I thought maybe it's a painting and I just thought it was waving. But it looked so dark. It was a florescent lit restroom and I knew that a shadow couldn't look like that under that light.

The figure itself was strange; it didn't have defining features and it looked to me like it was bubbly in its outline. The color was so black it almost seemed unreal to me. I walked up to the shadow and it had legs that extended to the floor but I could not see any feet. Its head looked and resembled a light bulb type of shape. Its hands where bubbly as well and was almost like that Gumby character just with a different type of head. Like a alien-type of bulky head. The body was thin and gangly but didn't have the sharp curves a normal body would have. It was very strange and I was very curious and was trying to understand what I was seeing. I decided to touch it and see if it was paint or what the texture was like. As I touched it seemed cold and I compared it to the wall that wasn't black like it and it didn't seem too much different in its temperature. So I didn't know what else to think and people were coming in and out of the restroom and nobody noticed or seemed to care about this shadow. So I went about my business and used the restroom. As I left the restroom, the shadow remained there on the wall in the same form with its one hand in the air it was its right hand. I then still assumed it was a painting and left the restroom.

I then related the story to my parents; I wouldn't stop talking about it and then my mother said, "Okay, lets not talk about it any more." That was that. But curiosity got the best of me. I had a thought to go back to the restroom and see if it was still on the wall. I thought if it is still there, it would obviously be a painting. So I told my mother I need to use the restroom again. She was a bit upset with me but when I went and entered the rest room, it was no longer on the wall. I was so astonished that I couldn't believe it and to this day, it fascinates me.

I've had other strange things happen to me in my life but this one was the first occurrence and I never saw a shadow person since. I never saw anything like it before or since. But my opinion is, they are observing us from some in-between universe and maybe I just saw a reflection of this person or entity in the form of a shadow.