From: Kimberly
To: The Official Shadow People Archives
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 3:23:23 PM
Subject: shadow people

I have seen shadows off and on most of my life but never had any real issue with them.

We moved to Arkansas into a rented house, because my daughter and I were transferring to a new college. I had seen the shadow fly by the window in the front door or felt it when I was up late at night. It didn't bother me or my family then.

I started to feel it outside and during the day as well. I just figured we were sharing the same space and I was ok with that. My horse was attacked by another horse and knocked over the barbed wire fence and was hanging on it. I was home alone, and I weigh about 145 maybe 150; he was a 2 year old horse. I couldn't reach my husband on the phone, so I reached down and picked Patches up and got him off the fence. I still believe that I had ‘help’ because I can in no way lift even part of a horse and I figured the next day I would hurt because of the strain on my muscles especially my neck as it has been fused, but there was NO PAIN or soreness. I know the shadow helped me. But before this happened, I had started to feel negative and cranky, so I blessed the house and each window and doorway. Then the horse incident happened. I felt as if I had a guardian of sorts. But I was incredibly wrong.

We had a friend staying with us and he flipped out and just left in the middle of the night. Since then, we have talked and he was having paranoid thoughts and feelings. My husband is a gentle man and before it was over, I thought he was going to hurt us. We split up for a while and he left. I was going to go out of town but my jeep wouldn't run enough to get to the city limits, when I made the decision to return home it ran fine. I also had a flat tire the day before that ‘engine’ issue.

My grandson had seen it as well and was acting out too. It seemed to be only the men in the house. My daughter and myself were fine. My husband had left his ring on the bathroom sink, I blessed it with a protection spell as soon as I figured out what was going on. He came by and got it and his clothes while I was gone. His brakes failed while pulling his horse and trailer. He said he knew he needed to take the ring and believes it is what saved him that day, as there were semis coming from both directions and he made it through the intersection alive. The brakes have never had a problem before or after.

I sat on the front porch and told it to leave and that it was not welcome any longer and could not act the way it had been and certainly could not attack my family. I don't know if it left then or not, but my husband and myself moved and my daughter stayed. So, before we left, I cast a banishing spell and she had not seen him since.

We had heard stories and rumors about the people who lived there before. They were usually involved in violence and one man was killed there, shot in the head. At one time I thought maybe it was him, but now I believe that there is something connected to the land that makes people act that way. I don't think it takes over but aggravates the weak parts and downfalls we already have. I did not believe in ghosts or anything like them. I believe now and cannot remember being so freaked out in my life. I think it hated men and was trying to get rid of them. I think they can be friendly but I think this one was extremely violent and dangerous.

You have my permission to upload to your archive and you can post my email if it will help someone or if I can be of help.

Blessings Kim