From: Bronny
To: The Official Shadow People Archives
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 5:02:22 AM
Subject: Need Advice: shadow person


I come from an incredibly close family in Australia, where my three sisters and I have all basically played a hand in raising each other's children (note: I do not have any children which means I have played a greater role in bringing up my three sisters’ children). I am the youngest sibling, yet oddly the one everyone comes to for advice and help, and I am extremely close to all of my nieces and nephews.

My immediate family all live in an eastern Australian state. I live in a western Australian state with my husband for the last 2-3 years.

My husband and I have "the gift," except my husband's gift is amazingly powerful. My gift is hereditary, with my mother having an incredible gift, different in ways to my husband though. My sisters and my brother all have the gift as well, as do many of my nieces and nephews. So, the gift is hereditary in my family, possibly because we have some indigenous heritage (not Australian).

Recently, my husband and I went back to my home state for a visit, and I found out that one of my nephews, who is a twin, sees virtually every night, what he described to my husband and I as a shadow person. My nephew did not use the term shadow person. My husband and I were not that familiar with shadow people, so we contacted people we knew would be and we did heaps of research to bring us up to speed on shadow people. This was so my husband and I could help my nephew while we were still back home visiting.

I only found out about my nephew seeing a shadow person through his Mum, my sister. She mentioned casually, assuming we already knew, that the other twin saw a "Mystical Being" (which is what the twins call the shadow person), "the other night".

Naturally, I was incredibly confused and asked my sister what she was talking about. I got information from my sister and asked her permission to talk to my nephew.

My husband and I talked to my nephew and with absolute terror in his eyes, face and voice, he told us his story. Here goes (in part):

"I think it started around the time Dad built us those carved animal beds. It's just like a big black figure and I can't see its face cause it's too black and it's just a body so I can't tell if it's a man or woman. Yes, it has arms and legs, like a normal body but taller. It just sits on the end of my bed. Or leans over me staring at me. If I have my back to it, I can feel like eyes burning through the back of me. I can just tell it's there, so I pretend to be asleep and won't turn over. One time it touched me, it was playing with my ankle. I had the cat sleeping with me one night and she was just staring at it, then hissing so I threw the cat at it as it was sitting on the end of my bed. Yes, it's every night, may be the occasional night it doesn't come. The bed-side light doesn't keep it away. X (the other twin) sees it too, but he just tells it to get away. The other night Z (little sister) was annoying X (other twin) big time purposely. X and I went to bed and something was crawling around the bottom of the bed. X jumped up to catch Z at the bottom of the bed, but X saw Z and told her to stop it and go away, but I saw it, it wasn't our little sister. Yes, it does have the power to change who it is. It doesn't come if I sleep over at a friend's house. Yes, that's why I like to sleep with my ceiling lights on, but Mum keeps turning them off. Yes, that's why I always try to sleep with X (the other twin). Yes, I feel terrified when it's there and I just want it gone. Yes, that's why my whole life I have wanted to sleep with the light on, or share a bed with X, or come to your place for sleepovers. Yes, I would really like your help please".

That is a shortened version of what he had to say to the questions my husband and I asked my nephew. I am heartbroken to know that my nephew has suffered like this, and I never knew, because my sister just always assumed she had told me and I knew!!

Now the odd thing is I worked out the timing. Their Dad built their beds, when the twins were around, or less than, two (2) years old.

My nephew will turn 18 years old in early April 2014. So this shadow person has basically been visiting him his whole life.

The shadow person has also followed him from house to house.

My nephews first house, his parents had it built, so it was brand new. But it was in a semi-rural area. My nephews second house (that they still live in now) his parents literally had most of it torn down and rebuilt. Our Family know very well the only two previous owners of their current house (small City of only 150,000 people), and nothing has ever happened in that house.

While we were still visiting my home State, friends that protect people from evil, and a registered Demonologist by the Church in the US, sent protection nets of White Light to him and all sent me (over Facebook private messages) Prayers to Archangel Michael to give to him.

My husband and I again spoke to my nephew gave him a Prayer to Archangel Michael; told him not to be scared cause it is feeding off his fear; told him to say "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ and God"; gave him Protection; and spent enough time with him and told him what he was dealing with, so that he was no longer scared and felt tough and no fear.

My nephew said the Prayer to Archangel Michael; did the rebuking, had the Protection; and the shadow person has supposedly gone.

Now my issues, need for advice, help, and answers:

1. Why would a shadow person follow my nephew his entire life? Is he waiting for something? What would he want with him? I must point out here that my nephew is a very, very good Young man, with a beautiful caring Soul. He is not naughty or bad in any way. I can't get my head around this!!

2. Where the heck did it come from? Yes my whole Family see, feel, hear all manner of Paranormal 'things'; but never, ever a shadow person. Do you think their first home being in a Semi-Rural area could have something to do with it?

3. Why that nephew and not the other twin (even though the other twin can see the shadow person), or their older brother, or younger sister?

4. They moved a long way, from past the outskirts of the City, to a Hill in the Central Business District (which is a long way) when the Family moved from their first house to their current house. So how or why did the shadow person follow him?

5. After a life time of hanging around him, I find it odd that this shadow person would disappear after one night of my nephew saying Prayers and Rebuking the shadow person (even though I totally have faith in those Prayers). I just thought it would have taken a week of Prayers or a bit more of a battle. The Demonologist expected that my husband and I were going to have to battle evil to get rid of it. Is the shadow person still lurking around? What do others think?

I have so many more questions, so any other answers, comments, statements, suggestions etcetera, would be more than appreciated please.

I need to make sure my nephew is safe, so all help and assistance would be appreciated please.

Thank you all very much.

Kindest Regards,

Please Note: Permission is given from my nephew, my husband and Myself for this to please be published.